Evidence-Based Practices

Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities 



Visual Supports:

Supports such as video modeling, visual cues, pictures, and other symbols can be used help with learning a new skill or correct behaviors. A visual schedule will at the front of the room so students are aware of the schedule. Individualized visual supports can quickly be made an individual if needed. 


Make Lessons Appeal to Students' Strengths and Interests:

Research shows that when a lesson appeals to the students, they will be more engaged in the topic. With more engagement in a topic, the students will learn more. Pick topics that the students can relate to. Also if the topic is unknown give lots of examples that the students can learn from. Show videos when it is possbile. 


Utilize Hands-On Activities:

Hands-on activities help students to understand the concepts that are being taught. For some students grasping abstract concepts is hard but having those hands-on activities might spark their interests. When hands-on activities are utilized, the students will be able to have a more concrete understanding of the topic and could eventually move on to more abstract ideas.


Cooperative Learning Groups:

Students will work together in mixed ability groups to help each other learn the academic material. Students will have supervision during their work time. Progress monitoring will done on the groups to keep track of the quality of their work. These groups will working together to promote independence and peer relationships.




Image result for tests in school




APA Bibliography 

Meadan, H., Ostrosky, M. M., Triplett, B., Michna, A., & Fettig, A. (2011). Using Visual

 Supports With Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Teaching Exceptional

Children43(6), 28-35.

Odom, S.L., & Wolery, M. (2003). A unified theory of practice in early intervention/early

 childhood special education: Evidence-based practice. Journal of Special Education,

 37(3), 164-173.

Ryndak, D. L., & Kennedy, C. H. (2000). Meeting the Needs of Students With Severe

 Disabilities: Issues and Practices in Teacher Education. Research and Practice for

 Persons with Severe Disabilities, 25(2), 69-71.

Stockall, N. (2011). Cooperative Groups. Teaching Exceptional Children44(2), 18-25.